About Us

Sustainable Cranbrook connects members of the community and community groups to sustain a healthy, natural environment through collaboration, open conversations, and information sharing.

Our Steering Committee is made up of representatives from many different community groups focused on local sustainability and climate change action.

Steering Committee

  • Evan Berry, City of Cranbrook (Chair)
  • Bruce Murdoch, East Kootenay Climate Hub
  • Sharon Cross, Wildsight Kimberley/Cranbrook
  • Stewart Wilson, Rocky Mountain Naturalists
  • Janice Alpine, Economic and Investment Sector of Ktunaxa Nation Council
  • Todd Hebert, Columbia Outdoor School, Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network
  • Helen Barron, Cranbrook Chamber of Commerce
  • Sheena Svitich, Sustainability committee chair at College of the Rockies
  • Chris Bullock, East Kootenay Cycling Coalition

Participating organizations

These organizations are working together to create and run Sustainable Cranbrook.


Sustainable Cranbrook is a program funded by the City of Cranbrook, ICLEI, and the Government of Canada.

City of Cranbrook Local Governments for Sustainability Canada Government of Canada